I just realized something...The Family has several animals at their house in Florida...2 dogs, a cat, and I think the turtle and fish are still alive, but I'm not positive. I just realized something else...The Sister was supposedly responsible for 4 out of those 5 animals
(the cat, Nike - was "hers." One of the dogs, Mac, she bought for her birthday years ago. The fish, no clue about the name, she used to have in her apartment. The turtle, Speedy, I have no idea where he came from but I know The Mom didn't go out looking for a pet turtle one sunny Saturday)...and The Mom now takes care of ALL of them. And The Sister is in her mid-20s. I think she can handle the responsibility now...
She's going to hate me now because I'm sure The Mom just went "HEY!"
I don't get it...
I'm watching "Last Comic Standing" - hilarious - and I just thought of something. Why do they tape all of these shows where people wait in mile-long lines overnight for 3 days to get into a building to audition for 3 minutes in the heart of New York, Chicago, Boston, Seattle, Fargo, Minneapolis or Boise IN THE DEAD OF WINTER? Is it like "Survivor: Snowstorm" meets "Random Talent Show?" If you can survive waiting in line, then you deserve a shot to be on TV?
Just once, only once, I would like to see them shoot an audition show in Sioux Falls or Buffalo in July and see these people go inside red, sunburned, chapped lips, dehydrated and wearing spaghetti tank tops.
Anyone have a clue what's going on here?? Real answer to follow in about a week...but your guesses are welcome now!
Some Summer Stuff
* This weekend is the official start of Minnesota. For some reason, Minnesotans basically try to skip spring and go straight into summer on the last weekend of May, rather than wait until the calendar start in about a month on June 21. Minnesotans literally say "It's the start of summer!" on Memorial Weekend. Nearly no one works on Friday, because they all left on Thursday to head to "the cabin."
* Which leads me to another thing..."the cabin." Where is this cabin? How big is it? Why do all Minnesotans go to this cabin? If you ever talk to a Minnesotan about what they are doing on the weekend during the summer which began on Memorial Weekend, they all say "Going to the cabin." This must be one huge freaking cabin. I believe that it covers the upper third of the state of Minnesota and most of western Wisconsin. To properly indicate possession of a rural residence that gets frost in June, Minnesotans should visit "our cabin," or "my cabin" or "my dad's cabin" or "the family's cabin" or "some cabin we are renting at a resort." Since all Minnesotan's go to "the cabin," I still believe that there's just one giant Lincoln Log building up north somewhere, and Duluth is in the living room.
* Does anyone else wish Barry Bonds would just get plunked and never hit another baseball?
* Since this is Memorial Weekend, I want to point out something that kind of bothers me...I think that the meaning of Memorial Day has kinda been distorted since all of these wars and stuff started after 9-11. I had always thought that Memorial Day was a time to remember and honor those that had given their lives while serving the country, and that Veterans Day was a time to honor and recognize and celebrate the living heros of war. Instead, all of the news stories seem to be about soldiers, Marines, etc. who were recently injured in Iraq, Afganistan or wherever they were stationed. Wikipedia
defines Memorial Day a "holiday [that] commemorates U.S. men and women who died in military service for their country." It
defines Veterans Day as a "day [that] has...evolved as a time for honoring living veterans who have served in the military during wartime or peacetime, partially to complement Memorial Day, which primarily honors the dead." Although I FULLY support honoring and appreciating those currently serving and the living veterans, I hope that people are not forgetting the sacrifices of those who have fallen while serving our country on the day that is dedicated to their memory.
* And while I'm talking about Memorial Day, Wikipedia also says that one of the longest-standing traditions of Memorial Day is the racing of the Indy 500. The Mom and I went to a local sports bar to watch it today...but the manager wasn't there yet and she was the only one who knew how to change the channels...and not one TV was on the Indy 500
(or the Formula 1 race from Monaco - the biggest one of the year). How can the biggest race of the year not be on at a sports bar? So much for one of the longest-standing traditions!
Fast Weekend
The Mom and The Steph headed to the track again...this time to
Elko Speedway, south of the Twin Cities. We've been there a bunch of's a really great track - they keep the action moving, the grandstands are really nice
(and new) and the racing is good. Friday night was an "Eve of Destruction" - meaning a lot of cars hit each other! There were figure 8s and, yes, SCHOOL BUS RACING.
The difference at Elko is that the buses are faster and they do figure 8s! So they crash more. I have a great digital video of it - complete with sound, but I don't know to put it on my blog!!! If you know how I can do that, let me know. Otherwise, email me and I'll email you the video - it's cool!
On Saturday, they did this really cool thing before the races started at 7. "Golden Hour" was an autograph session on the track from 6-7, where they lined up one class of cars
(there are about 4 classes of cars that race at Elko on a normal Saturday) on the track and let any and all fans down there to see the cars, meet the drivers and get autographs.
I didn't want any autographs, and I have seen race cars before...but it was really cool to see the interaction and how happy the fans
(especially the kids) were.
It sounds like they do this every Saturday before they race, and rotate the class of cars that is featured. Now that's cool! One of the coolest moments was when one of the youngest drivers was signing a checkered flag for a little girl. He let her pick out the color of the marker, signed it, and then gave her a piece of candy
(a bunch of the drivers had candy or stuff for the kids like it was Halloween)...if you can't read the sign on his "candy jar" it says: "Take Some Candy. Strangers Always Have The Best Candy!"
(Click on the picture to open it - you'll see the thing much more clearly!)
Final Thoughts on AI:
Ok, just a few more things I have to say...
* After my VCR finally turned off last night at 10:05, I did rewatch the Clay Aiken-Michael Sandecki duet numerous times. Maybe not 47 times, but A LOT. And it doesn't get any less funny. And I think that I have told that story to 37 people today that missed last night's show. What's wrong with them?!
* While watching that clip over and over again, I am amazed that Mr. Sandecki managed to compose himself enough to keep singing, and had the guts to keep singing, with Clay!
* I'm even more amazed that Clay kept his composure enough to sing along with him!
* After watching the news and web reports today, I realized that I DID see David Hasselhoff in tears when Taylor won last night. When they showed him in the crowd after the results were announced, I thought my eyes were fooling me. But, alas, I was correct...the Baywatch lifeguard turned music star
(if only in Europe) got emotional when the Soul Patrol master won American Idol. I see a skit on SNL. It might actually be funny.
* Prince is freaking cool.
The Best Two Hours of Television...
You are all going to make fun of me. And frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. I just finished watching the American Idol season finale...the two hour live episode with 80 baziollion performances of past contestants, winners and current performers promoting their new albums, and, oh yeah, they announced the winner
(it was Taylor, by the way...and his single still sucks). And it was the best two hours of television, possibly, that I have ever seen...highlighted by 2 minutes of the funniest thing I have ever seen - live, taped, on TV, in person...any or all of the above - and there's no possibly about that.
If you have not seen the American Idol finale because you have it taped...then feel free to stop reading, go watch it, and come back and join me in my viewing afterglow. If you have not seen it, don't have it on tape, and are crying because you believe that you missed out on two of the greatest hours in American television entertainment, call me. I have it on tape and I will travel to show it to you. It was THAT good.
First, there were some amazing performers on this show tonight. From Dionne Warwick
(who looks amazing and sounds absolutely fabulous, still) to Carrie Underwood
(suck it up if you don't like country - her voice is unreal) to Live
(with whom Chris Daughtry fit in with PERFECTLY) to MEATLOAF!!
("Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" may be one of the best songs EVER) to the final surprise guest coming out with 10 minutes left in the show...the granddaddy of all of them...the artist now known once again as Prince! And yes, he was wearing purple. In all of the mystery and amazingness that you would expect - he shows up out of nowhere, sings two incredible songs, and disappears, without speaking a word.
The Season Five finalists all sounded amazing
(most of the time), the guest performers were incredible, and with the exception of subjecting us to yet another Bert Backarack montage
(does that guy own part of the show?!?!), the entire show was absolutely incredible.
But here is where the funniest thing I have ever witnessed in my life came in...some crazy guy who tried know the type - tried to imitate someone in their audition
(in this case a former Idol runner-up), couldn't sing to save his life and looked like an idiot...was brought up on stage to win one of the fake Emmy-type awards they were giving out during the show that basically made fun of the people during auditions and the show.
So this guy is up there, having just won an award for best impersonation for his absolutely HORRID attempt to be the next Clay Aiken during the auditions...and Ryan Seacrest asks him if he wants to sing a song. Of course he said yes...and he goes into Elton John's "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me" - which Clay Aiken just absolutely crushed
(in a good way) during his time on Idol. So Wacko Kid is getting into it, starting the song, and the screen behind him opens up - and out comes Clay Aiken
(complete with a haircut from "The Shaggy DA"). But W.K. has NO CLUE. And Clay starts singing...and W.K. has no clue that he is not alone. Then all of a sudden he turns, and sees Clay, and almost dies right there on stage. I swear to everyone on this planet...the 2 minutes that followed were the absolute most hilarious 2 minutes of my life. I have NEVER laughed that hard, cried that hard, or choked on my laughter the way I did while those two were singing. It was absolutely amazing. And for the rest of the show, whenever I thought of it...I started crying - laughing.
I will forever stand by my assertion that these 120 minutes of television belong in the Hall of Fame. I just can't wait for my stupid VCR to stop taping
(I didn't know what time Idol was on, and I wasn't sure I would be home in time so I just set it up to tape forever I think...and my damn VCR won't stop taping until the timer says "Time's Up!" Last time, I unplugged it.) so that I can rewind it and watch the Clay Aiken sequence 47 more times before I go to sleep.
I just watched the American Idol final performances...and if Katherine McPhee wins, it's because the judges didn't call her out on how HORRIBLE she was.
* She f***ed up the words to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - a song I sang in 4th grade chorus and which she has already sung once in competition - AND NO ONE SAID ANYTHING! They said she sounded great! Yeah, THE WORDS SHE DID SING!
* She was way off-key in her single. I hope they don't release was horrible, too.
I'm so mad they didn't call her out on those things! And all I can do is sit here and clentch my fists and shake them in the air and wave them around like I just don't care...
Taylor Hicks for President! (Since Chris is gone :( )
Alright, The Steph, Out.
Movie Review: Over The Hedge
Short review: Absolutely freaking hilarious, even for adults. Short, so you can watch it and be done. And incredibly entertaining. Go see it!!
Movie Review: The Da Vinci Code
The Mom and I went to see "The Da Vinci Code" on Friday night. I have been looking forward to this night since I heard they were making a movie. I loved the book
(although I think that "Angels & Demons" was better...), and was actually looking forward to the screen adaptation, which I never do. I rarely like movies based on books I have read. I haven't seen "The Chronicles of Narnia" because of that. Unfortunately, I probably should have stuck with that philosophy.
We both struggled with what it was about the movie that we didn't like, or were disappointed by. First, Tom Hanks was not the right man for the leading role...and the girl that played Sophie was about as deep as the plastic pool in my backyard when I was 4. But ignoring the bad acting...there was something else.
Then yesterday on our way to our Stillwater Day of Fun, we figured it out...everything that made the book so great was missing from the movie. The book left you with a great appreciation and yearning to learn more about the art involved...great descriptions of the pieces themselves and the history, and complicated unraveling of clues. The book was a story about the controversy in the Catholic church, and the story of how they got to the point that they were at in history.
(YES...I know it's fiction...I'm just discussing what the book was about!) The movie skipped ALL of that. They barely showed the art, never talked about it, you barely noticed there were clues
(unlike "National Treasure" which went into the clues in depth, and, which, now that I think about it - shared some characteristics of "The Da Vinci Code." I thought that some of the scenes seemed familiar, and now I know what they reminded me of - "National Treasure."). Instead of focusing on the story of the history, art, clues and Catholic Church...they focused on the story of two boring and strange characters.
So we came to the conclusion that if you hadn't read the book yet, you might enjoy the story that they movie tells. Although, it might drag didn't because you kinda know what's happening next if you have read the book already.
Moral of "The Da Vinci Code" - movie version: if you haven't read the book yet, read it AFTER seeing the movie.
School Bus Racing!
They tried to start with 6 buses, but then one got a flat tire during "intros"...
so they were down to 5...
And those 5 buses raced at the speed of...well...snails...
Redneck Emeril...and other racing stories...
Last night, The Mom and The Steph went to
Cedar Lake Speedway in New Richmond, WI for a night of fun and entertainment. And boy, did we get that!
We had a hard time finding the speedway. Basically, we went to Stillwater for the day for an arts festival on the banks of the beautiful St. Croix River, and saw signs that said "Racing Tonight at Cedar Lake Speedway." Now a few weeks ago, when the racing season started, I saw a thing in the newspaper about a dirt track in Stillwater that went by that same name. While in Stillwater, I tried calling information to call the track to find out how to get there and what time racing started - no listing. Tried THREE phone books at random businesses in Stillwater - no listing. Finally, found a guy working at a gas station that looked like he would know where there was a rack track...and sure enough, he pointed us on our Wisconsin. Fortunately, Wisconsin is about 3 feet from Stillwater, so it was OK.
So we head out to the speedway, and we're not 100% sure of how to get there, but we saw a truck towing a race car and stalked him to our destination. We pulled in and found our little parking space, and just sat there for a while because we were a little early. Turned out to be a great move, because the entertainment in the parking lot alone was worth the price of admission.
Across the aisle from us was a man with a pick-up truck, whom I named Redneck Emeril. His tailgate was down, and he was doing what most Minnesotans or Cheeseheads do when the temperature is above 35 degress...he was tailgating. But he was by himself. No big deal. He gets his grill ready...scraps the rack a few times to clean it, adjusts his charcoal, and starts to pull his condiments out of his gigantic cooler. First, the ketchup. Then, the mustard. Then the BBQ sauce. Then hot sauce. Then a jar of cheese sauce. Then a jar of yellow peppers. Then a jar of salsa. He puts them all on the tailgate, and then puts them on top of the cooler. He then has to move them every single time he goes into the cooler to get something, but he always puts Condiment City back on top! Then he pulls out an onion and very neatly slices it and lays it directly on the grill.
(Puts condiments back on cooler.) Then, he pulls out TWO BURGERS.
(Puts condiments back on cooler.) Yes, 47 jars of man...two burgers.
R.E. puts his burgers on the grill and carefully turns them and the onions to perfection. Frequently cleaning his hands, the grill, a plate, the spatula, anything he touches. He was the cleanest tailgater I had ever seen. Then, as his burgers near completion, he opens up his cooler once more and pulls out BACON! And adds that to the grill. Finally, with all of his condiments in order and his grill filled with goodness, he starts the assembly process. He puts cheese sauce on one of the burgers, along with some onions. Then he puts all of the bacon and some cheese sauce and onions on the second burger. I lost track of the liquid condiment usage on each burger, but he used everything except for the BBQ sauce. We never figured out what that was for. Then he took one burger, walked away, gave it to someone, and came back. Then he settled down for his own feast. This guy was CLASSIC.
And I took all of these pictures of him from inside my truck across the aisle, with The Mom acting as look-out for me, in case he turned and saw me spying on him! I may have found a new profession!
While all of this was going on, a man in a red sweatshirt walked to his truck, a couple down from mine, opened the door, grabbed something, and walked back to the track...with a PB&J sandwich in his hand! He didn't have to unwrap it...or anything. It was like the sandwich was just sitting on his seat in his truck!
But it gets even better...
Last night there were school bus races at the track! And PB&J man was one of the drivers!! He is an ag teacher at a local school! THAT was awesome.
The Defense from The Dad
The Steph: I hope you aren't mad at The Sister for telling the potato story - but it's sooo know how she tells stories!
The Dad: I couldn't figure out what she was talking about. I never had sweet potatoes cooked the way she wanted.
The Steph: So do you have anything else to say in your defense on the potato matter?
The Dad: Nope.
Welcome to The Family
The Mom is visiting me, leaving The Sister high and dry for entertainment, and, apparently, cooking. The following is an actual email sent to The Mom from The Sister.
Disclaimer: I apologize for her inability to use the "shift" key or proper punctuation or proper grammer or anything in this email. I'm just taking it as it is! And apologies to The Dad, who reads this blog...but he has to know how funny he is!!!! The Mom can't stop laughing right now...
u need to come home!! dad is a wreck in the kitchen. anyway...we were going to try to shake n'bake sweet potatoes...i mean we found some stuff we can use on it. and anyway...i don't think he understands the concept. he was just goin to put the whole pototoe in the oven covered in the "shake n bake" stuff. i'm like...ummm u have to cut them up into cubes. what...why...yah yah..oh i didn't understand. so then anyway...he proceeds to cut them up...and he's like making HUGE slices. i'm like no they have to little cubes. AGH! so i'm cutting and he's like r u sure those aren't too small. i'm like...they need to fit in ur mouth!! so anyway...he spreads oil on the pan with a paper napkin?!?!!? holy crap!! and then he was just going to dip the potatoe wedges in thebreading...i'm like they need oil. he's like why? i'm it will stick and cook. he's like why do they need oil to cook. i'm like they just do. he's like i don't think they need oil. then he dumps like the whole thing of oil on them!!! THEN i'm like..well u can use a container and shake the potatoes in the mix because he was dipping each one in a little bowl. i saidthis because he was rinsing out a plastic bag that he had used for something!! i'm like what the heck?!!? so he's rinsing it out...and i'm like if u do that...isn't it going to have water in it??? so he crumpled itup and got huffy. and mummbled something about them needing water. i'm like well if the directions say u need water then just use the water but u never said anything about water!! i mean we didn't use water on the other potatoes!! then to top it off i don't think the container he used to shake the potatoes in was clean. i thnk it was left over from bringing chocolate chip cookies. so i think we will be having chocolate chip-seasoned sweet potatoes for dinner. ah!!!!
Feeling like a fish out of water?
I think that there's something fishy going on
here... (Sorry, had to be said.)
Movie Review: Friends With Money
I had heard that this movie sucked. Oh, contraire my blog-reading friends. It was freaking hilarious. It was great! It was a movie about people just kinda living, there wasn't really a plot, I don't think...or I missed it if there was one. But all of the characters just kept saying all of the things that people always think and never actually say in real life. Well, OK, things that I think and sometimes say. I'm pretty sure I have actually acted out the scene in Old Navy in real life.
I will say one thing about this movie...when it ended and the credits started rolling, I said
(outloud, and the other two people in the theater laughed at me) "THAT'S how the movie ends? What the hell kind of ending is that?" Go see it, you'll understand!
Eau de Play-Doh
From this:
To this, in 50 years:
Call me crazy, but
this appeals to me!
Gettin' Busy...
About a week or so ago, the guy or girl that lives in the apartment above mine got a girlfriend or boyfriend. How do I know this? Well, the bed needs WD-40.
Fortunately, neither can last long apparently so it's not annoying - just amusing. 5...4...3...2......
The Mom is in town. She got here this afternoon. And told me
she shot a squirrel just before she left. Some things never change.
Then we get home from a great mother's day dinner, and promptly argue about watching the finale of West Wing or Survivor. Despite it being my TV, my couch, my remote...I lost. We are watching Survivor, which I have not watched one episode of all season. And I'm on IM, talking to The Sister back in FL, who is watching the same finale, and is captivated. And I have to write notes back and forth from The Mom to The Sister to The Mom.
And then I learn something...The Sister is mad at The Mom for coming to visit The Steph. Not because she has something really important going on. No. Because The Mom will not be in FL to share the following moments with The Sister during the next 2.5 weeks:
* Season finale of Survivor
* Season finale of Amazing Race
* Season finale of American Idol
* Release of the Da Vinci Code
* Season finale of The Unit
Annoying Billboards
There are some really annoying billboards that have started appearing in the Twin Cities...they are just pictures of fruits or vegetables. Two is just all grapes. One is an ear of corn. The respective fruit and veggies take up the whole board. No logo, no message, no nothing.
They are driving me nuts! When I find out what they are for, I'm boycotting whatever it is.
Getting older...
3 signs that I have put together that say I'm getting older...
1. Stop getting carded at bars and liquor stores.
2. Start complaining about what "the kids" are wearing at tennis tournaments.
3. Go to the grocery store on May 14, 2006 and have someone come up to you and say "Happy Mother's Day" when you're by yourself.
Double Impressionist = Double Negative?
Orbitron decided that I was inspirational. Which was probably a big mistake and may indicate a sorry state of affairs for his current, well, life. But alas, a good blog post deserves another. So he of course wrote about mine. And now, in response...I do him the favor back to some, but not all, of his words of unwisdom.
Here is what he wrote, with my additions in
bold blue.
You know how groups of artists or writers inspired each other? Like Monet & Van Gogh, Warhol & Peter Max, The Beatles & Beach Boys, Capote & Harper Lee?? well
The Steph inspired me to write a
"The Real Roxanne"-style response to one of her recent posts. This could start a 50 Cent/The Game fued, so keep your Glocks close and choose sides! (Orbitron's thoughts in
bold italics)
* I think that the new Gatorade commercial for the World Cup (where they play "Take Me Out to the Ballgame") is incredibly intelligent, and really cool.
I would agree if the soccer wonks would stop trying to associate that sport that America has rejected for 50 years with baseball. It's an OK sport on it's own, but I think the images shown would be more powerful with a different song. Umm, I think the whole point IS the song.
* I think that one of the best things in the world is climbing into a bed freshly made with newly washed sheets. Not just clean sheets unfolded from the closet...the ones that just went from dryer to bed and still smell like laundry detergent.
I think my laundry detergent makes me sneeze. Could be all the dryer lint. Don't say I didn't warn you. That's all I'm going to say. Those who mock, lose their dryers.
* I think that any sentence that your mom says that starts out "Did I tell you about the hawk encounter?" is a bad sentence.
I think that any sentence that starts with "Did I tell you about my Dad and the hawk?" Is going to be a pretty funny story. Nothing to say about this:* I think that sometimes the word "censorship" is taken the wrong when it actually means "responsibility" or "be smart about something rather than saying something without thinking."
Isn't that ironic? I am not sure, anymore...CFunk - thoughts??* I think that sometimes good people get a raw deal, but that eventually it catches up with them and they get a great deal. It just takes time and sucks going through the process.
I think bad people win all the time without consequences. This is very true. Thanks for putting a downer on my positive statement. Back to life, back to reality...
* I think that it is possible to seriously think that "Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights" is a good movie.
I think that's not surprising coming from someone who liked "Days of Thunder" Ok, you are NOT one to complain about my movie selection...I have watched some VERY bad your insistance.
* I think that respect for differences in people is more important than making them believe your difference.
I think the best way to respect those differences is to make them laugh about them. Why does that get you in more trouble, though?
* I think that it's OK to be happy with something that makes every other person in your life wonder why in the world that makes you happy.
Like sunflowers and the smell of bus exhaust? No comment necessary on this one.* I think that tulips are the prettiest flowers in the world.
Sunflowers! They're all-American. Tulips are Dutch. U! S! A! U! S!...What? Van Gogh painted sunflowers? And he was Dutch? And they're in France too? Uh....never mind. Ok, there is a sentence here that captures it all, and it's straight from the horse's mouth... "I did see a herd of buffalo for the first time in my life, and fields of sunflowers which made me more excited than any heterosexual man should be." Yes, from the back seat of the SUV, as we are driving to Canada, all of a sudden we hear a girlish scream and the word "Sunflowers!" From a 6' tall, muscular, heterosexual (?) male.
*I think that it's OK to use a skill you are not confident in, but know well enough to help someone.
Unless that skill is Brain Surgery. Or law. Or hostage negotiator. Or relationship advice.
* I think that it's a wonderful feeling to be completely honest with your friends about your feelings for them and their happiness.
Agreed. The Steph, you're a little strange. But then again, aren't we all. Some more than others, my friend. Some more than others.
Season's Over...And...
You're BeautifulMy life is brilliant
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.
You're beautiful, you're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
Yes, she caught my eye,
As I walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Flying high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.
You're beautiful, you're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
You're beautiful, you're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.
Death of a Champion
Floyd Patterson was one of those boxing greats that many casual sports fans may not be aware of because he wasn't Ali or Frazier or any of those "names." And honestly, except for growing up in Patterson's backyard
(figuratively speaking, not literally!), I would probably have no clue who he was either. But he was a champion who impacted the upstate New York area in which I grew up, both during and after his career. Most memorably for me (
since I never saw him fight, I'm too young) was when he managed his son, Tracy, to his own championship. Sadly, he died today following years of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and prostate cancer.
I think...(yet again)
I think...(one more time)
* I think that it's OK to be a hypocrite when it comes to thinking something in a blog and doing something in real life.
A PSA From The Steph
Ok, this seems so simple, and people joke about it all the time, but it's very serious...clean out the lint traps in your dryers...and clean around them lint traps and under your dryers and behind them.
Here's why I have decided to post this public service announcement. In the last two nights I have responded to two house fires with the Red Cross...and both have been due to dryer fires. And at both houses, the lint traps were cleaned regularly. But lint flies around, builds up under the dryer, behind it...and falls into the lint trap holder thing (I don't know the real name). Think about it. How long have you had your dryer? Now think about how many times you have cleaned under, next to or behind that dryer since you bought it. For nearly everyone...the answer will be never. All it takes is the right combo of dryer lint/fuzz and heat to create a disaster in your home.
So take some time, and do the very simple task of cleaning around your dryer and help prevent a really disastrous event at your house. It's something so easy to do, but something none of us do.
I think...(sometimes)
* I think that the new Gatorade commercial for the World Cup (where they play "Take Me Out to the Ballgame") is incredibly intelligent, and really cool.
* I think that one of the best things in the world is climbing into a bed freshly made with newly washed sheets. Not just clean sheets unfolded from the closet...the ones that just went from dryer to bed and still smell like laundry detergent.
* I think that any sentence that your mom says that starts out "Did I tell you about the hawk encounter?" is a bad sentence.
* I think that sometimes the word "censorship" is taken the wrong when it actually means "responsibility" or "be smart about something rather than saying something without thinking."
* I think that sometimes good people get a raw deal, but that eventually it catches up with them and they get a great deal. It just takes time and sucks going through the process.
* I think that sometimes opposites don't attract.
* I think that it is possible to be inspired by an NBC drama.
* I think that it is possible to seriously think that "Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights" is a good movie.
* I think that the saying "You can please all of the people some of the time and none of the people all of the time" is incredibly accurate.
* I think that respect for differences in people is more important than making them believe your difference.
* I think that it's OK to be happy with something that makes every other person in your life wonder why in the world that makes you happy.
* I think that it's a good feeling to enjoy spending time with your family, even if they are incredibly strange and make you shake your head.
* I think that tulips are the prettiest flowers in the world.
* I think it's sad that tulips only last for a few days.
* I think that lilacs are the prettiest smell in the world.
* I think that many colleges and universities have colors that should never go together for any reason.
* I think that it's OK to use a skill you are not confident in, but know well enough to help someone.
* I think that it's OK to enjoy working with and around kids, but not want one of your own right now.
* I think it's great to be happier with what you are doing right now than with what some people thought you had given up or lost by not doing what made you happy before.
* I think that it's a wonderful feeling to be completely honest with your friends about your feelings for them and their happiness.
Movie Review - Mi:III
I saw
Mission Impossible: III last night, and I must say, it lived up to the billing...lots of action, great stunts, lots of guns, Tom Cruise's love interest in the film looking suspiciously like his current flame in real life without actually being her, and lots of cars blowing up.
And it succeeded in doing something else...taking lots of scenes from other movies, and making them unique by having Tom Cruise save the day instead of whatever other action hero actually starred in that scene first. And this comes from someone who constantly hears "I can't believe you never saw that movie" when talking to friends about movies. So you know that with my limited viewing history, this had to be blatent scene-stealing.
In further reviewing the movie over the phone with The Mom, who also saw Mi:III last night, I was reminded of something else about the movie. The Mom thinks that Tom Cruise is good at two things...running fast and making that perplexed/concerned/"I-think-someone-is-talking-to-me-and-I-should-pretend-to-listen" face. She called it perplexed, I added in the other parts.
I have to agree with The Mom that this film emphasized Tom Cruise's lack of acting talent, because most of the movie was just Tom Cruise. He can usually hide behind other actors' talent, but this time it was him, and mostly him.
I also pointed out to The Mom that Tom Cruise also drives cars really fast really well in movies. She didn't seem to think that counted. Oh well.
Overall, I will say that I enjoyed the flick. It was entertaining, action-packed, great stunts and moved right along. I didn't check my watch 47 times like I do sometimes in movies. I give it a thumb's up for viewing.
Urgh. That is my new, all-encompassing, favorite emotional expression right now. It covers when you are frustrated - not by others, but by yourself. And when you can't really tell someone something but you want to but can't bring yourself to do it...and when you want to talk to someone about it but you can't do that either for 87 different reasons. And when you realize that you are just plain being stupid or annoying to even yourself about something.
Oh no. I just realized that I am starting to sound like