Saturday, May 13, 2006

Double Impressionist = Double Negative?

Orbitron decided that I was inspirational. Which was probably a big mistake and may indicate a sorry state of affairs for his current, well, life. But alas, a good blog post deserves another. So he of course wrote about mine. And now, in response...I do him the favor back to some, but not all, of his words of unwisdom.

Here is what he wrote, with my additions in bold blue.


You know how groups of artists or writers inspired each other? Like Monet & Van Gogh, Warhol & Peter Max, The Beatles & Beach Boys, Capote & Harper Lee?? well The Steph inspired me to write a "The Real Roxanne"-style response to one of her recent posts. This could start a 50 Cent/The Game fued, so keep your Glocks close and choose sides! (Orbitron's thoughts in bold italics)

* I think that the new Gatorade commercial for the World Cup (where they play "Take Me Out to the Ballgame") is incredibly intelligent, and really cool. I would agree if the soccer wonks would stop trying to associate that sport that America has rejected for 50 years with baseball. It's an OK sport on it's own, but I think the images shown would be more powerful with a different song. Umm, I think the whole point IS the song.

* I think that one of the best things in the world is climbing into a bed freshly made with newly washed sheets. Not just clean sheets unfolded from the closet...the ones that just went from dryer to bed and still smell like laundry detergent. I think my laundry detergent makes me sneeze. Could be all the dryer lint. Don't say I didn't warn you. That's all I'm going to say. Those who mock, lose their dryers.

* I think that any sentence that your mom says that starts out "Did I tell you about the hawk encounter?" is a bad sentence. I think that any sentence that starts with "Did I tell you about my Dad and the hawk?" Is going to be a pretty funny story. Nothing to say about this:

* I think that sometimes the word "censorship" is taken the wrong when it actually means "responsibility" or "be smart about something rather than saying something without thinking." Isn't that ironic? I am not sure, anymore...CFunk - thoughts??

* I think that sometimes good people get a raw deal, but that eventually it catches up with them and they get a great deal. It just takes time and sucks going through the process. I think bad people win all the time without consequences. This is very true. Thanks for putting a downer on my positive statement. Back to life, back to reality...

* I think that it is possible to seriously think that "Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights" is a good movie. I think that's not surprising coming from someone who liked "Days of Thunder" Ok, you are NOT one to complain about my movie selection...I have watched some VERY bad your insistance.

* I think that respect for differences in people is more important than making them believe your difference. I think the best way to respect those differences is to make them laugh about them. Why does that get you in more trouble, though?

* I think that it's OK to be happy with something that makes every other person in your life wonder why in the world that makes you happy. Like sunflowers and the smell of bus exhaust? No comment necessary on this one.

* I think that tulips are the prettiest flowers in the world. Sunflowers! They're all-American. Tulips are Dutch. U! S! A! U! S!...What? Van Gogh painted sunflowers? And he was Dutch? And they're in France too? Uh....never mind. Ok, there is a sentence here that captures it all, and it's straight from the horse's mouth... "I did see a herd of buffalo for the first time in my life, and fields of sunflowers which made me more excited than any heterosexual man should be." Yes, from the back seat of the SUV, as we are driving to Canada, all of a sudden we hear a girlish scream and the word "Sunflowers!" From a 6' tall, muscular, heterosexual (?) male.

*I think that it's OK to use a skill you are not confident in, but know well enough to help someone. Unless that skill is Brain Surgery. Or law. Or hostage negotiator. Or relationship advice.

* I think that it's a wonderful feeling to be completely honest with your friends about your feelings for them and their happiness. Agreed. The Steph, you're a little strange. But then again, aren't we all. Some more than others, my friend. Some more than others.


At 2:43 PM, Blogger Orbitron19 said...

So a double negative makes this a positive, right?

I only made you watch ONE bad movie, by the way. And I'm awesome with relationship advice--I haven't gotten anyone into a relationship yet!

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Orbitron19 said...

BTW,You went all the way back into my archives from two years ago to quote me verbatim. I'm a little frightened.

At 5:18 PM, Blogger Steph said...

Which, if you keep count, brings the bad movie count up to TWO!!


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