Monday, September 25, 2006

Here fishy, fishy, fishy...Part Deux

Here is the update on my friend's fish...once again, too precious not to share:

I got the latest fish last Thursday. The fish food canister says to feed several times daily. The store directions say to feed once every 1-2 days. I've tried feeding my fish twice since Thursday, and he hasn't eaten a thing. I've had to scoop out the nasty soggy uneaten fish pellet. He burbs a lot, as evident from the millions of little air bubbles floating on the top of the water.

And he's crazy. He swims around his little bowl with more ferver than a fish should. It seems as though he's being chased by an invisibile shark that wants to eat him. He is always in his threatened/offensive posture. I do not mind this, because it involves enlarging his fins to appear bigger than he really is, and it makes him look pretty.

However, you'll recall I said that he is red. (Bloggers, you may not recall that - but I was aware of that, name suggestions were being solicited based on this new fish being red.) Well, sometimes being colorblind really stinks. A friend informed me, upon meeting the newly-named Tabasco, that he was in fact mostly purple, with only a little bit of red. So I'm back to the drawing board on names.


At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Steph's name was the winner! My fish is Bruiser. He's healthy and alive. He eats as much as I find him. And the bubbles are just him making a nest for a potential female to drop her eggs...such a good provider. Too bad he's not getting any. Ever.


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