Saturday, October 22, 2005

Hurricane As A Second Language

Well, the 2005 hurricane season has entered new territory - the Greek alphabet. Which makes complete and total sense, because all kids these days are learning Greek in school. Why the Greek alphabet? What did the Greeks ever do to us that we decided that we would butcher their alphabet by making it a symbol for a horrific and terrible natural occurance? As it is, kids with names like Andrew, Katrina, Charley, Rita, and Hugo (ok, that kid has issues anyway without hurricane season) will fear the jokes that come from their home insurance agents.

To apologize to the Greeks for this unfortunate decision by the National Weather Service to bring shame to their alphabet, I have decide to come up with a list of great Greek things:
1) Salad
2) Party houses on college campuses
3) Mythology
4) Alexander the Great (just cause of his name, no other real reason)
5)Chicken gyros at 2am
6) Olive branches
7) Kalikantzaroi (little elves - 'nuf said)
8) My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Alright, I'm out of ideas. And I had to google Kalikantzaroi.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Orbitron19 said...

How can you forget George Michael and Jimmy the Greek?


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