Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I had something really motivating, interesting and thought-provoking to write today. But then Boof tagged me, and now I'm stuck with that instead...much to the disappointment of everyone who came to this blog today, hoping to be inspired. That will just have to wait until tomorrow. My apologies.

Boof's nosy, so I'll play along with this little blogging game.

5 Items

5 Items in my fridge
- Beer
- Leftover ziti (yum)
- Shaved parm. cheese
- Spinach
- Water

5 Items in my closet
- Shoes
- Lightning and Wild sweaters
- Basketball
- Dusty roller blades
- Christmas decorations

5 Items in my car
- Half a tank of gas
- Sun glasses
- XM radio charger
- Empty water bottle
- The owner's manual

5 Items in my purse
- Gum
- Elko Speedway schedules
- Digital camera (to prove who did it)
- State quarters
- The key to my heart

Ok, maybe I did inspire someone today. I can't help it, I'm just that good.

So, I guess I'll double-tag Orbitron, and put a preliminary orange mark on CFunk, The Sister, and Obeans.

Go me. I'm not "It" anymore.


At 7:32 PM, Blogger Tom said...

bwahahahahah you have nothing against my tagging powers!

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Orbitron19 said...

No I have to do this?


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