Friday, November 25, 2005

Stupid Weatherman

The last weather forcast for "Black Friday" that I heard on Thursday night was a possibility of a light dusting of 1-2 inches of snow starting in the afternoon. So imagine my surprise (and disgust) when I went to go out to my car at 11:00am and there were 3 inches of snow already laying on the ground! What the f***?? When did it change? And how could they miss it by that much?

I think that snow has an exponential effect on feelings while you're driving. For example, if you're in a really good mood to start, and you get in the car and the roads, grass and stuff are white and flakes are falling - you can't help but smile and get in an even better mood. But, if you're pissed off before you get in the car, and then it's snowing and crappy out on top of that...all you want to do is use mental telepathy to will the other cars into an uncontrollable fishtail into a telephone pole. I think that the open, white, infinity feeling created by snow diving at your car windshield creates this exponential effect. Maybe that's just me.


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