Sunday, November 06, 2005


So I'm sitting here rereading some of my older blog posts (I can't say "old" cause I really haven't been blogging for very long!), and I realized that with my in-depth critiques and analysis, I have probably eliminated myself from employment contention at several teams and companies. And possibly made myself eligible for a raise prior to even applying for a job at other companies with my comments and compliments. I decided that it would be interesting to create a list of these companies/organizations/individuals...just cause I'm bored and I think that people will care. Or not. But it seemed like a fun way to waste some time. And as I write this list, I am greatly amusing myself. Which is what really counts. So screw the rest of you if you think this is a pointless exercise...skip to the next post!

So here goes the list:

Places That Would Hate Me Now If I Was Dumb Enough To Send A Link To My Blog To Them (or if any of my 3 readers, including my family, are mean enough to do it):
Red Sox (I'm REALLY OK with this one!)
Sometimes the NFL
Fox Sports (and add without a doubt: Tim McCarver, Joe Buck and Scooter - this is the one I am most proud of out of all of them on this list!)
The Williams Sisters
All prime-time TV shows with live episodes
Houston Astros Clubbie
Sometimes MLB Marketing
William Baldwin
The Red Cross volunteers that went through training with me
Rude Americans
Gopher fans
A stupid local "advertising firm"

Places That Would Love Me Now If I Was Smart Enough To Send A Link To My Blog To Them (or if any of my 3 readers, including my family, are nice enough to do it):
NBC's "Today Show"
Sometimes MLB Marketing
"How I Met Your Mother" (and Neil Patrick Harris)
City of St. Paul Tourism
Greeks (especially Kalikantzaroi)
The American Red Cross
Power Ball
New Yorkers
The Month of October
Gator fans
Super Target
Webster's Dictionary


At 6:36 PM, Blogger Orbitron19 said...

I think that "TRAINS" and the Month of October are rather won't get a job with either. But, you could get a job with BNSF. Or Lionel.


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