Friday, October 07, 2005

Sports as an Analogy for Life...#47

Working in baseball is like being in an abusive relationship. When it kicks you and brings you down, you know it's bad for you and you should get away as fast as you can. But the good times are soooo good, and mean so much they can bring tears of happiness to your eyes.

It doesn't matter what your friends and family say that try to pull you away from the abuse, and it doesn't matter how bruised and hurt your feelings are...all you can think about are the good times. And then, because of that, everyone who hasn't been there doesn't understand it. And they tell you that you are wrong for loving something that can hate you back.


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Orbitron19 said...

"You love baseball, but has it ever loved you back?"

I know it's from the most obnoxious baseball movie of the past 20 years (Fever Pitch), but sometimes you have to ask that. Of course I always end up pulling a Pam Anderson and crawling back to my baseball Tommy Lee.

BTW, new job--not as fun as old job.

At 7:31 PM, Blogger Steph said...

Keep in mind - that was said about the Red Sox...WHO LOST TONIGHT!!! Go WhiSox.

And if I remember correctly, you said "That movie wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Which meant it couldn't possibly be as bad as films such as "Angels in the Outfield" or that stupid movie about the kid with the tight arm who can pitch 98 at 12 years old.


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