Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tribute to Orbitron...

Here's to you, buddy...my attempt at glogging tonight...

Why does Joe Buck love Chone Figgins of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (abbreviated as ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ) sooo much? As the lead off batter in the 3rd inning of tonight's game against the mighty Yankees, he grounded out. During his short at-bat, and during the entire at-bats of the next 2 batters, we learned several "interesting" things that normal male commentators don't tell you about a utility player:

* He has a radiant smile.

* He played 6 positions this season, used 4 different gloves and only averaged 2.5 errors per glove.

* That previous fact would have been ok, if not for the enthusiasm and then the graphic of the 4 gloves. Which would have been ok, too, if we didn't have to be shown how nice it was that his nickname "Fig" was delicately stiched into each glove. Suddenly, "Michaels Crafts" became a sponsor of baseball gloves?

* And Joey wants to invite him over to watch a movie. I'm not kidding. Apparently Fig's favorite movie is Rocky V - further proving that he doesn't deserve this much discussion because any player whose favorite movie is Rocky V should not get more coverage than "And the lead-off batter is out. One away." So Joey boy wants to invite him over to show him Rocky I.

* Fig was born in 1978, 2 years after Rocky I came out. Why is that fact on a sheet of paper anywhere in the press box? (The year Rocky I came out, not Fig's birthday...I understand that one.) But that means that someone had to plan ahead by reading Fig's bio, seeing that he liked Rocky V, thinking that was monumental, then saying "Oh, he might have liked Rocky I. Oh wait, he wasn't born yet possibly. Wonder what year Rocky I came out?" Oh, and then I'm assuming he had to Google that fact. And yes, I'm assuming that the person who does research for useless stuff for Fox broadcasters is male. Cause women wouldn't care about something as stupid as this. Only about making fun of something as stupid as this. :) Does Sly really deserve this coverage for a movie like Rocky V?? This is already way more sentences than I ever thought that I would dedicate to any Sly movie.

Oh, by the way, GO YANKEES!


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