Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Jay Leno's Headlines: "Karma Cheats Death, Again"

Current mood: Amused

The quote of the day comes from my friend Kendra. "Karma, you're one lazy bastard!"

Background on how this came about...we were chatting about people who will one day "get what's coming to them," yet for some reason or another, haven't yet. It centered around a former boss that we had in common years ago, who somehow STILL has his/her job. And extended to other people we have come across in our professional lives that haven't met the same fate yet. How does that happen? Or more specifically, not happen?

Karma is defined by my dusty blue Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary - copyright 1965 - as: "the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical conequences to determine his destiny in his next existence." (Sidenote: Wow, they just don't make dictionaries like they used to, betchya don't see "perpetuate" and "transmigration" in the same sentence in the latest 87th version of Webster's!)

I guess this means that I have to wait until our next lifetime to see them get what's coming...but that's no fun. I prefer instant gratification. Also, it seems to only apply to men. Which would ruin many of my karma wishes. Hopefully that is just a indication of the decade in which this dictionary was written. If anyone has a more recent version of Webster's, let me know if the definition is now more gender neutral!!!


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Orbitron19 said...

Are you saying that you hate men??

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Steph said...

Ummm...reread the blog, dude :)


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