Monday, March 13, 2006

Not The Stuck The Steph

So I had to park my truck in an inconvenient spot today when I got home because two kids were trying to get out of the parking lot and got their car stuck. I couldn't get by, so I just parked my car along the side of the driveway. Then I helped them shovel, sand and push their car out. Until I started to help, the girl was trying to gun it and the guy was standing outside looking at her trying to gun it. I guess he thought by removing his weight from the car it would unstick itself. Or not. So I got the shovel from our apartment building, a bucket of sand/salt mix and coached them out. No sooner do I finish, put away my tools and head to my truck to finally get my stuff up to my apartment does another woman fall to the same fate. So I went back, recovered my tools, and got her out, too. After helping push one of my co-workers through our lot this morning...I figure 3 cars later, wet gloves and sore arms & legs - I have done my good deeds for the day.

Eventually "The Plow" came to plow part of our parking lot. One space got plowed, because it was the only open one. I saw this from my window, so I made a mad dash to my truck to move it because I figured I had a slim-to-none chance of getting my truck out of where I was once they plowed the rest of the lot later today and created a mountain at my passenger door.

My lil truck did NOT want to move. It took me a while, some sand, a shovel and a lot of rocking (both by putting the truck in forward, reverse, forward, reverse and by physically moving my body in the truck since it's so little). I would rock it back and forth, then get out and kick some snow away and move the sand, and repeat. And repeat. But I got it out.

No thanks to the a$$hole near me who was whistling and sweeping snow off of his car and trying to ignore my plight.

Then he packed up his shovel and went back into his building. Did I mention A$$HOLE??

So much for pay it forward.

At least I got out...probably thanks to my COOL BOOTS kicking away the snow.

"Whoa, The Cheat! I can't believe what cool boots you have on!"


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