Friday, October 14, 2005

Excuse ME!

Americans are rude. If you have been to a grocery store, sporting event or on the road in any type of vehicle in the last few years, you know this first hand. Now the AP has verified this in a news report.

Have you noticed how rude people are in grocery stores these days? They block any opening to an aisle with their cart (which are now the size of tractor trailers at any new store), they stand in front of entire sections of shelves chatting with friends and then glare at you when you try to get something that they are blocking, they pull out of aisles without looking and run into you with their carts and then they leave their carts perpendicular to the shelves while wandering around so that you can't drive up the aisle! Is it really that hard to be courteous in the store? Has everyone forgotten how to say "I'm sorry," or "Excuse me?"

I'm a native New we're known for not being soft and fuzzy. However, we aren't just plain rude. When I returned to NY earlier this year for a visit, during the 3 days I was there I talked to more random strangers, had more people actually apologize for cutting me off in the store and more drivers thank me with a simple wave of the hand when I yielded the right of way to them as a courtesy than I have in the last 4 years. It's not a matter of being warm and fuzzy vs. cold and heartless, it's just simple courtesy. I don't think that one driver in Minnesota or Florida has ever nodded or waved to thank me when I let them pull out of a driveway or side road in front of me.

So, anyway, screw all of you out there reading this!


At 7:13 PM, Blogger Orbitron19 said...

And you know who are the WORST? Women with these Hummer sized strollers. If one of them gets in my way, and I can see that a kids not in it (which is 50% of the time) I take great pleasure in sideswiping it!


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